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About Preventing Violence Together

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to build the capability of systems, organisations and professionals across Western Australia to work together to prevent violence against women.

Preventing Violence Together is an initiative of the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing and Stopping Family Violence, two established, state-wide organisations, with a shared purpose of supporting women and children experiencing family, domestic and sexual violence, to be safe and free from violence.

Preventing Violence Together is about supporting shared approaches, consistent practice and confident professionals undertaking primary prevention of violence against women and children throughout Western Australia. It is about fostering the primary prevention sector that is developing in our state.

The initiative is based on the understanding that, in Australia, primary prevention of violence against women and children is an emerging field. Preventing Violence Together was formed to foster a vital prevention workforce to support this necessary work in Western Australia. A key aim is that as this prevention sector grows it will contribute experience, knowledge and expertise to inform policy and priorities of governments, researchers and leading experts in our state as well as across the country.

Our Objectives

To achieve our purpose, we:

Engage with communitiies

Engage with communities across the state to support prevention of violence against women action and activities.

Build capability

Support the development of expert practitioners, organisations and sectors that lead evidence-informed primary prevention activities.

Coordinate and collaborate

Provide structural support and facilitate collaboration and partnerships to strengthen primary prevention practice and activities across systems, organisations and communities.

Advocate and influence

Promote best policy and practice to government, industry and organisations to prevent violence against women.

Resourcing and support

Preventing Violence Together is a collaborative initiative co-chaired and resourced by the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing and Stopping Family Violence; two established, state-wide organisations, with a shared purpose of supporting women and children experiencing family, domestic and sexual violence, to be safe and free from violence.

Our supporters

Preventing Violence Together receives support from the Department of Communities and the Minderoo Foundation.

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