Community Respect and Equality (CRE)

Community Respect and Equality (CRE)

Lead organisation

Desert Blue Connect




Target Group

Whole of population

Funded by

Philanthropic funding

Project duration

Desert Blue Connect launched and has actively facilitated the community led CRE project since 2017, with the support of a number of organisations in the region.


CRE Coordinator, Desert Blue Connect

Project overview

The CRE Agreement is for organisations and businesses in Geraldton to collectively say that #ViolencelsNEVEROk in our community. The CRE Agreement aims to highlight the need for a community-wide approach to primary prevention of family violence, to gather support for primary prevention of family violence, and to inspire people in our community to eliminate the attitudes that support family violence in their workplaces and community.

CRE has successfully hosted significant summits with over 100 attendees, featuring guest speakers, and has engaged numerous organizations from a variety of sectors to commit to promoting gender equity. By adopting the CRE Agreement, organisations and businesses pledge to take action to prevent family violence before it occurs and commit to the agreed codes of behaviour for their workplace. CRE is a trusted source of advocacy, education and support with regards to Primary Prevention for Family Violence, and recognised as a regional leader in the Midwest.


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