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Partnerships and Plans

Regional PVAW Partnerships and Plans

Regional plans and partnerships are vital prevention infrastructure for strategically coordinating action for the prevention of violence against women (PVAW) across Australia.

In Victoria, a state with a longer history of coordinated PVAW activities, the gendered violence prevention infrastructure is driven through 9 Regional PVAW Partnerships- each operating in discrete regions across the State.

Each partnership has their own distinct name, governance and focus determined by the setting in which they are founded – whether metropolitan, suburban, or rural. Backbone Support is provided to each partnership by a women’s community health service in the region, to drive collective impact. Collectively, the Regional PVAW Partnerships represent 500 organisations across Victoria committed to ending violence against women.

Some examples of Victorian PVAW plans and partnerships include:

“Giving life to Our Watch’s Change the Story, the PVAW Prevention Partnerships represent best practice in Collective Impact – building a shared vision for change, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication and measuring results together. We believe there will be a benefit to replicate the Victorian model of Regional Prevention of Violence Against Women Partnership in other states and territories.”

– Gender Equity Victoria

In Western Australia, we are slowly starting to see regional partnerships develop, but there is still a need for sustained funding to ensure regional Backbone Support for collective impact across our State.
If you’re interested in learning more about regional planning. GEN VIC has developed a guide for regional planning called Equality and Safety for Women. The guide sets out the principles for action on preventing violence against women, and seven steps for planning, implementing and measuring primary prevention efforts in the regional context. It also includes a Planning Template designed to support planning process decisions.
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