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Peel Says No to Violence (PSNTV)

Peel Says No to Violence (PSNTV)

Lead Organisation

Allambee Counselling Inc


PSNTV is overseen by a Steering Committee of local community organisations including Allambee Counselling, Peel Community Development Group, Choyces Children and Youth Community Services, OVIS Community Services, Peel Community Legal Services, and Anglicare WA.

Region of Project

Local Government Areas of:
Serpentine Jarrahdale

Target Group

Whole of community, particularly focused on community groups, workplaces and schools.

Funded by

The project was originally funded for two years by Department of Social Services (DSS). It is now funded by various grants, including major grant funding from City of Mandurah Community Grants.


Dr Sue Fyfe, Project Coordinator

Nicci Lambert, Chief Executive Officer, Allambee Counselling

Project overview

Peel Says No to Violence (PSNTV) is a community project to improve understanding of FDV, raise awareness of local FDV support services, and take action to prevent FDV in the Peel region. PSNTV employs an Active Alliance model where organisations including schools, businesses and community groups become members as an active two-year pledge to take action to prevent family and domestic violence, either internally within their organisation or through engagement with the broader community.

Duration of initiative

Commenced in 2016 and is ongoing.


The project was evaluated during the initial two-year grant period.

Project process

  1. Research was undertaken to understand the lived experience of women who had experienced FDV in the Peel region, which included 20 interviews and two focus groups. A compilation of survivor stories was created, illustrating different forms of FDV. These stories can be read here.

  2. A survey of service providers was undertaken to identify gaps in service provision across the region.

  3. A research forum was held in June 2017 to disseminate the research results to the Community.

  4. An Active Alliance model was developed in collaboration with stakeholders. The focus changed from a one-off education campaign to ongoing engagement with Alliance members, including a yearly event to share practice and knowledge.

  5. The Alliance with was launched in December 2017 with five founding members.

Project achievement and successes

The Alliance built strongly in 2018 and 2019 to 38 members including local Members of Parliament, businesses, community groups and schools. A subgroup Peel Schools Say No to Violence also commenced and was active in 2018 and 2019.

Issues and challenges during this project

When COVID-19 became an issue in early 2020, the work of Alliance members essentially stopped. Even though schools were closed for a relatively short period of time, they were focussed on supporting their students and staff and did not deliver primary prevention activities in 2020 or 2021. Likewise, community groups did not hold activities or events during the period.

The Alliance used the “downtime” to evaluate and update the website, reframe the pledges and make it easier for Alliance members to commit to being a member. With the change to a two-year pledge, we have begun to re-engage with existing members and seek out new members.

Advice for others doing this type of work

Evaluate as you go along and be prepared to change the model if it becomes apparent that there is a better way to do things.


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