Resource Directory

The resources in this directory are sorted by the seven components of Foundations for Change.

These resources are designed to help you deepen your understanding of men’s violence against women, develop the primary prevention capabilities outlined in Foundations for Change, and generate ideas for initiatives specific to your context.


Foundational knowledge

  1. A fact sheet about violence against women in Australia. 8 minute read.
    Our Watch – Quick Facts
  2. Link to access the documents related to the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children. This document was created by the Commonwealth Government’s Department of Social Services and is endorsed by every State and Territorial government in the country. The National Plan, the First Action Plan, and other related documents are accessible here.
    The National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032
  3. Link to access Path to Safety: Western Australia’s Strategy to Reduce Family and Domestic Violence 2020-2030.
    Western Australia’s Strategy to Reduce Family and Domestic Violence
  4. Link to Knowledge and Practice Skills for Responding to Family and Domestic Violence Disclosure using First Nations Strategies training from the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing.
    Workforce Development Collaborative – Knowledge and Practice Skills for Responding to Family and Domestic Violence Disclosures using First Nations Strategies
  5. A video presenting some of the statistics around men’s violence against women in Australia. 2 minute watch. – Australia’s shameful violence against women
  6. A link to the federal government’s initiative to discuss how violence against women and girls is perpetuated online. There is an interactive educational tool that shows how youth might be consuming harmful content and a resource hub that offers information sheets, discussion guides, social tiles and more. Click ‘Enter James’ Phone’ to start the activity. There is a link to a video version above that.
    Commonwealth Government – The Algorithm of Disrespect
  7. A Ted talk explaining the meaning of intersectionality in detail that helps us to consider our own biases and provides insights on how we can counteract them.
    The urgency of intersectionality Ted Talk – Kimberlé Crenshaw
  1. An overview of violence against women and the gendered drivers of it. 3 minute read.
    Our Watch – The link between gender inequality and violence against women
  2. Jackson Katz Ted Talk on VAW as a men’s issue. 10 years old but just as relevant today as it was then. 18 minute watch.
    Jackson Katz Ted Talk
  3. Change the story pp. 36-45 cover the gendered drivers of violence in detail.
    Our Watch – Change the story
  4. Changing the picture p.13 provides a detailed graphic of the drivers of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
    Our Watch – Changing the picture
  5. Changing the landscape pp.40-46 cover the ableist drivers of violence in detail.
    Our Watch – Changing the landscape
  6. A video that presents the contradictory societal expectations and pressures placed on women by men. It highlights how violence against women is condoned and how responsibility for it is often placed with women. This video can be used as an educational tool to generate discussion. 3 minute watch. Content warning: parts of this video are graphic.
    Coachability Foundation – “Be a Lady They Said” by Cynthia Nixon
  1. Change the story pp. 34-35 cover the socio-ecological model in detail.
    Our Watch – Change the story
  2. The socio-ecological mode has been applied to many public health issues. This fact sheet explaining the social ecological model as it applies to child and adolescent development and well-being. Similar in structure to the Our Watch model, it provides examples of risk and protective factors at each level that helps to understand how the model functions.
    UNICEF – Brief on the Social Ecological Model
  1. A video introducing the second edition of Change the story, Our Watch’s primary prevention framework. 5 minute watch.
    Our Watch – Change the story: Second edition
  2. A video explaining respectful relationships education and it’s role in primary prevention. 3.5 minute watch.
    Our Watch – Respectful relationships education: Change the story


Creating social change

  1. A toolkit for better implementing respectful relationships education in schools.
    Our Watch – Respectful Relationships Education Toolkit
  2. Change the Story pp. 59-69 cover the 12 actions to prevent violence against women in detail.
    Our Watch – Change the story
  3. Tips for communities on addressing restrictive gender norms, challenging violence against women, and fostering gender equality. There are also some tips for responding to violence as a community. – Preventing VAW in the community
  4. Tips for individuals to recognize healthy relationships at home for themselves or family members and how to challenge unhealthy behaviours and harmful stereotypes and norms. – Preventing VAW at home
  5. An activity that helps us to think about what we can do individually to challenge harmful gender stereotypes.
    Know Your A-Z – Our Watch
  1. Changing the picture pp. 15-32 cover the essential actions to prevent violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. PP. 32-36 cover the supporting actions.
    Our Watch – Changing the picture
  1. Changing the picture pp. 37-44 discuss the principles for the prevention of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
    Our Watch – Changing the picture
  2. Changing the landscape pp. 49-62 discuss the actions for preventing violence against women and girls with disabilities.
    Our Watch – Changing the landscape
  3. A resource for engaging immigrant and refugee communities in the prevention of violence against women.
    Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health – Intersectionality Matters
  4. A resource to guide the prevention of violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities.
    Rainbow Health Australia – Pride in Prevention
  5. A shorter explainer video on intersectionality that is suitable for training, presentations, and community information.
    Kimberlé Crenshaw on Intersectionality – The Big Idea
  1. Tips for responding to resistance and backlash to primary prevention efforts.
    Our Watch – How to respond to resistance and backlash
  1. A webpage on reflective practices in the workplace. Aimed at healthcare workers but applicable in a broad range of roles. Includes an introductory video and a variety of tip sheets.
    CEC – Reflective practice
  2. A introductory video to reflective practice.
    CIPD – Introduction to reflective practice


Engaging with evidence

  1. Review of the evidence on working with men in the prevention of men’s violence against women.
    Our Watch – Men in focus: practice guide and evidence review
  2. Review the evidence on respectful relationships education in schools.
    Our Watch – Respectful relationships education in schools evidence papers
  3. A link to access a portal to find evidence-informed strategies to address and end violence against women. There is an intervention finder as well as maps of the evidence and gaps in evidence.
    ANROWS – Evidence Portal
  4. A link to the database of resources created by ANROWS that includes literature reviews, fact sheets, research summaries and more.
    ANROWS – Resources
  1. A guide for policy-makers, researchers, and advocates on measuring population-level progress towards the prevention of violence against women.
    ANROWS & Our Watch – Counting on change
  2. Link to a practice guide from the Australian Institute of Family Studies on what a needs assessment is and how to undertake one.
    AIFS – Needs assessment
  3. A link to download the Australian National Research Agenda. This resource helps people seeking to grow the evidence base around ending violence against women by identifying the what research is necessary and methods for producing that research.
    ANROWS – ANRA 2023-2028
  4. A video explaining how some data on violence against women is gathered and why it is important to collect this data.
    UN Women – Administrative data on violence against women: what is it?


Embedding Aboriginal expertise

  1. NAIDOC week is an opportunity to learn about and celebrate first nations culture and history. This is a directory to find a local NAIDOC event near you.
    NAIDOC – Local NAIDOC Week events
  2. A guide for starting a Reconciliation Action Plan.
    Reconciliation Australia – Start your RAP
  3. A two-day training  that provides key knowledge, considerations and practice skills when working with people impacted by family and domestic violence.
    Workforce Development Collaborative – Knowledge and Practice Skills for Responding to Family and Domestic Violence Disclosures using First Nations Strategies
  1. A reflection on inner deep listening and quiet still awareness by Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr. 5 minute read. 
    Miriam Rose Foundation – Dadirri: Inner Deep Listening and Quiet Still Awareness
  2. A video introduction to the practice of Dadirri by Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr. 4 minute watch.
    Miriam Rose Foundation – Dadirri Video
  1. Learn more about what healing means for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by exploring the resources on the Healing Foundation’s webpage.
    Healing Foundation – Community Healing
  2. A video that explains the impacts of colonisation and the healing journey for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It demonstrates the importance of intersectionality in practice and the necessity long term commitment to change. 11 minute watch.
    Health WA – Journey of health and wellbeing


Working in partnership

  1. A link to the WA Respectful Relationships Teaching Support Program for schools who want to improve or expand their deliver of respectful relationships education.
    Starick – WARRTSP
  2. A link to a Co-Design Toolkit which provides tools for engaging in co-design of programs and services.
    WACOSS – Co-Design Toolkit
  1. Link to a practice guide on what a needs assessment is and how to undertake one.
    AIFS – Needs assessment
  2. A planning tool that can be used to help undertake projects in your community.
    WA Community Impact Hub – Community Impact Planner


Promoting safety and wellbeing

  1. A link to access the Western Australian Mental Wellbeing Guide.
    WA Mental Health Commission – Mental Wellbeing Guide
  2. A video explaining how the brain functions when humans feel agitated. Developed for parents but applicable in every day life for when we need to engage in or plan wellbeing activities.
    Dr. Daniel Siegel – Hand Model of the Brain
  3. A video for creating a self care action plan that works for you.
    How to Adult – Self Care Action Plan
  1. An Australian video explaining how people react to traumatic events. 2.5 minute watch.
    Phoenix Australia – Understanding Trauma
  2. A Scottish video explaining how trauma affects the brain, and how that knowledge is useful in law enforcement and criminal justice. 9 minute watch.
    NHS Lanarkshire – Trauma and the Brain
  3. A Canadian video explaining anxiety and how people respond to it. 3 minute watch.
    Anxiety Canada – Anxiety Explained for Teens
  4. Guidelines for working with a trauma-informed approach from the perspective of the impacts of racism and racial discrimination.
    Australian Human Rights Commission – Racism. Nobody Wins.
  1. Tips for communities on addressing restrictive gender norms, challenging violence against women, and fostering gender equality. There are also some tips for responding to violence as a community. – Preventing VAW in the community
  2. Tips for individuals on identifying signs someone is experiencing domestic violence, and responding to it. – How to support a friend or colleague experiencing DV
  3. Link to Knowledge and Practice Skills for Responding to Family and Domestic Violence Disclosure using First Nations Strategies training from the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing.
    Workforce Development Collaborative – Knowledge and Practice Skills for Responding to Family and Domestic Violence Disclosures using First Nations Strategies


Sustainability and longevity

  1. The 5th UN sustainable development goal is Gender Equality. This snapshot provides a sense of how well the world is doing on that goal. It is helpful in understanding the various ways in which gender inequality permeates society and the multitude of avenues that exist to eliminating it.
    UN Women – Progress on SDGs: Gender Snapshot 2023
  2. Link to access the documents related to the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children. This documented was created by the Commonwealth Government’s Departmen of Social Services and is endorsed by every State and Territorial government in the country. The National Plan, the First Action Plan, and other related documents are accessible here. It represents the long-term thinking necessary to prevent violence against women.
    The National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032
  3. Link to access Path to Safety: Western Australia’s Strategy to Reduce Family and Domestic Violence 2020-2030. It represents the long-term thinking necessary to prevent violence against women.
    Western Australia’s Strategy to Reduce Family and Domestic Violence
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