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Strength2Strength: Engaging CaLD Men and Boys In Primary Prevention Of Violence Against Women

Strength2Strength: Engaging CaLD Men and Boys In Primary Prevention Of Violence Against Women

Lead Organisation

Save the Children


Region of Project

City of Gosnells

Target Group

Male CaLD community leaders, and CaLD young men and boys

Funded by

Self-funded within organisation


Danielle Winzenried, Team Leader, Save the Children

Project overview

A participatory action research project in the City of Gosnells that engaged CaLD men and boys in primary prevention work.

The project consisted of three tiers:

Tier 1 – 12 session weekly program with male leaders in the African Community
Tier 2 – Weekly after school program with 2 groups of young men (11-13 and 14-16 years of ages) for 12 months, discussing health relationships, leaderships, masculinity, manhood and attitudes towards women.
Tier 3 – series of workshops within schools discussing, healthy relationships, gender and attitudes towards women.

Following the initial project period in April 2018 – April 2019, further small extensions of funding have provided the opportunity to collate and share findings, mentor young people and deliver a short series of workshops with girls and boys from the Afghan community during the summer holidays in January 2021.

Duration of initiative

April 2018 and ongoing to 31 March 2021


Internal program evaluation has been undertaken (see promising practice post)

Currently seeking to engage an evaluator to review program documents and content prior to completion of Phase 3, 31 March 2021.

Project process

Project achievement and successes

Issues and challenges during this project

Advice for others doing this type of work


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