The RSE Project, based at Curtin University, provides a range of professional development opportunities to Western Australian schools (K-12) in the area of relationships and sexuality education. Respectful relationship education (RRE) is fundamental to all levels of our practice. We work with various local and national organisations to ensure that all information is current and evidence-based. Additionally, we undertake a range of research projects, which highlight areas of excellence in RRE and the need for continued, specific and high-quality RRE to be included across the Australian Curriculum. Our training aligns with the Western Australian curriculum and is suitable for all school sectors.
Process and impact evaluations are routinely carried out after each workshop, symposium and PD workshop. The efficacy of programs is also evaluated through case studies, which highlight program implementation at several schools across Western Australia.
The RSE Project has delivered training for teachers in the form of two-day workshops, after-school seminars, and a biennial symposium. We also offer specialised, tailored training for schools on request.