Curtin University Research Training Program Scholarship Opportunity: Engaging Australian Males in the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children
Would you like to undertake a PhD with a respectful relationships focus? Please consider applying for this recently announced Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship:
Engaging Australian Males in the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children
This doctoral research project will focus on the perspective of Australian males, to determine best-practice guidelines for primary prevention initiatives that seek to address violence against women and children. Specifically, this exploratory and descriptive work will focus on effective ‘message framing’ and the ‘scope and sequence’ of educational content for a variety of male audiences. Priority settings and populations, such as male-dominated workplaces, sport settings and online spaces will be directly targeted, alongside mainstream settings.
All RTP projects will be made available for applicants consideration from Friday 8th July – 18 August 2022.
Click here for more information about this and other RTP opportunities.